Over 600 youth are currently waiting for a mentor!

Enroll a Child

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👋🏾 Hi and thank you for your interest in enrolling your child with Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities! We are honored that you’re considering a Big to be part of your child’s journey, and we’re excited to walk alongside you in this process. We are hopeful that you will complete the enrollment application, and it may take some time to find the right match for your child.

As of January 1, 2025:

  • 678 youth are looking forward to being matched with a mentor 
  • Average wait time is up to 12 months

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to create and support mentoring relationships for all youth in our community! Partner with us to shorten the wait for your child’s mentor! Share this volunteer page with your connections and networks.

💚 Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities


Mentors are siblings, friends and youth advocates! 

A Big (Sibling, Sister, or Brother) is another caring adult in a child’s life who provides friendship, support, and encouragement. Watch our video below to learn about what to expect during the enrollment process.

Qué esperar del programa para padres o cuidadores: Ver la versión en español del video.


We Take Child Safety Seriously

We get it. We’re moms and dads, too. That’s why child safety is our top priority. We have rigorous child protection systems in place to keep kids safe. Our staff and volunteer Bigs undergo thorough screening and background checks.

Our safety commitment is simple: we do everything possible to keep your child safe. We ask parents and caregivers to partner with us in safety. During the enrollment process, we ask families to please review the following documents below: the “Your Child’s Personal Safety” guide and the age-appropriate booklet (“You Have The Right To Feel Safe” or “Healthy Relationships For Teens”) with your child.

¡Haga clic aquí para ver este folleto en español!


Ages 5-11 – You Have a Right to Feel Safe 

Ages 12-17 – Healthy Relationships for Teens 


A Little About Littles

It’s easy to become a Little (not to mention life-changing, fun, and free)! Children ages 8-13 years who reside in Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, and parts of Anoka and Dakota counties are eligible for our youth mentoring programs. We ask for a one-year commitment to our program, but our goal is to create a match relationship that is rewarding and long-lasting! Many of our matches have been together for five, 10, or more years. Our professional match team will be there to support the relationship every step of the way.

Questions? Contact us at thinkbig@bigstwincities.org.

Littles are 8-13 years old 1-year commitment It’s free to be a Little


Please note: There is a waitlist for youth mentors!

Enroll A Child

Parents Play a BIG Role!

So your child is going to get a Big. Fantastic! You play an important role in helping us create the perfect match for your child. Here’s how you can help the relationship get off to a great start and keep it going strong for many years to come.

 INTRODUCE US: The better we know your child, the stronger match we can make.
 PROVIDE FEEDBACK: Evaluate the fit of the suggested match for your child.
 SAY YES: Make your child available for outings and activities with their Big.
 ASK QUESTIONS: Check in to assess how the relationship is going.
 MAKE SUGGESTIONS: Share ideas to strengthen the match relationship.
 STAY IN TOUCH: Be an active partner by sharing with us how the match is going.

“If Brian never had Luke in his life, he’d still be a great kid. But, there’d be something different in his life, that he wouldn’t have without Luke.”

– Sarah, Brian’s mom