Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is excited to partner with FACTUALITY to offer the FACTUALITY experience to our Bigs!
FACTUALITY is a facilitated dialogue, crash course, and board game, all in one, that simulates real life experiences in America. It is played with a rich group of diverse characters that encounter a series of fact based advantages and limitations based on the intersection of their race, class, gender, sexual orientation, faith, ability, and age.
FACTUALITY’s interactive delivery creates a comfortable environment for participants to engage in meaningful experiential learning. In under 90 minutes, participants will simulate, discuss, and unpack the structural limitations and advantages that coincide with various intersecting identities.Participants select a character that differs from how they identify and are then engaged in a facilitated conversation that includes but is not limited to: racial, gender, religious, and sexual orientation discrimination, gender and racial pay gaps, redlining and gentrification, median income averages by race and gender, (mental) health disparities, prison disparities, (dis)ability, education inequity, ageism, environmental justice, and intersectionality.
FACTUALITY evokes empathy, increases cultural competence, & enhances self-awareness.
NOTE: This is a virtual opportunity that will take place via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to you the day of your selected session.
If you’re interested in discussing your takeaways with other BBBS Twin Cities Bigs, please register for the debrief session taking place on April 18th, 2023, via Zoom. Register here: