Overcoming Fears and Achieving Dreams: A Little’s Story with Big Brothers Big Sisters
September 5, 2024
I’m honored to be here to talk about my story. Growing up, my dad wasn’t a big part of my life and this was a major reason why my mom enrolled me, my brother, and sister into the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. When I was younger, and before I was a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters, I remember watching my older brother leave the house with his Big and I was super jealous that I couldn’t go with. However, a few years later, it was finally my turn!
I was super nervous to meet my Big, Chris, for the first time. I remember when he walked up thinking, WOW, he must be 6’ 5” and play for the NBA! That was a long time ago, and clearly, I was seeing Chris through a kids eyes – as Chris is only 5’ 11, and pretty sour about not being 6 feet. I’m pretty sure I might even be taller than him! What do you think, Chris?
“Hey I’m 6′ on a good day! I think we should have the crowd decide who’s taller though!” – Big Brother Chris.
Chris (who I’m taller than) and I have now been matched for almost 10 years. Throughout my time in Big Brothers Big Sisters, I’ve had so many experiences I know I wouldn’t have had if I never met Chris. He taught me how to ice skate, how to cook the best spicy burger you’ve ever had…facts! We’d also go bowling, to Viking Games, Saints Games, take photos of buildings downtown and edit them, try unique foods at restaurants, play basketball, and so much more.
We were even paired up with Karl Anthony Towns through the Junior Pack event and I still talk to him to this day. It was a dream that came true! I even signed a one-day contract with the Timberwolves. Unfortunately, the salary wasn’t included. However, if it was, I would be throwing some big bucks tonight to support the Big Brothers Big Sisters program!
Chris also taught me so much in life that I carry with me to this day. He taught me the importance of hard work, keeping my grades up, being a good person, and life lessons like overcoming my fears and knowing that anything is possible if I put my mind to it. One funny story that comes to mind was when Chris found out I was afraid of dogs. Like – DEATHLY – afraid of dogs. So, what did Chris do? He took me to the Animal Humane Society to volunteer as a dog walker!
The first time we went, I heard one bark and I got up out of there and we did something ACTUALLY fun! The next week, he took me there again. This time, I made it past the front counter, then a dog barked and I got up out of there! Guess what we did next week? Yep, back to walk DOGS again. And again. And again. After a few months of weekly visits with Chris by my side, I overgrew my fear of dogs. I even remember wanting to walk the biggest dog at the end.
Overcoming fear was just one lesson Chris taught me over the years. His support gave me confidence in those moments – and I carry that confidence with me to this day. I wouldn’t be talking in front of hundreds of people without him teaching me that lesson.
I’m also thankful for all the support Big Brothers Big Sisters gave that helped me get into college. They not only helped me with the process on how to apply for FAFSA and colleges that were a good fit, but I was fortunate enough to get a scholarship sponsored by Federated Insurance that helped me afford being able to attend college. Shout out to anyone in the room that’s from Federated and thank you so much!
I’m proud to say that I’m almost done with my first year of college and have been keeping my grades up while also being part of the basketball team at Rochester Community College.
Big Possibilities. Bright Futures. I am living proof of that and that is because of all of you! Thank you for believing in me, and all the other kids who need both your mentorship and financial support. Our futures are brighter because of you!
I’m Ka’Jon and that’s part of my story. THANK YOU!
This is (not so) Little Ka’Jon’s speech from the 2024 Big Night Gala, our annual fundraiser and celebration of the power of youth mentoring with partners, supporters and our Twin Cities community. Ka’Jon was joined by his mom, Ebony, and Big Brother Chris on stage, and in our mission video, to share their 9-year story of connection, friendship and mentorship.
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