It takes little to be BIG!

2023 Impact Report


Thank you for joining hands in our mission to create and support mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Mentorship is an investment we make together to amplify youth belonging, curiosity and potential in the greater Twin Cities. We are so grateful to be engaged and united with our vibrant, caring, and fun community for being #BiggerTogether on our bold new path to a future where all youth reach their full potential!

In 2023, YOU and our Twin Cities community of youth (Littles), families, volunteer mentors (Bigs), partners, supporters, staff and board helped us to…

...launch our 3-year strategic plan, informed by 700+ community voices

...launch our 3-year strategic plan, informed by 700+ community voices

The 2023-2026 Strategic Plan aims to ensure youth have greater access to diverse mentors, experiences to explore their interests, and opportunities that amplify their potential. the 2022 Agency of the Year Award the 2022 Agency of the Year Award

Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities won the 2022 (Large) Agency of the Year Award at the BBBS of America National Conference. This award is a collective win: for youth, families, volunteers, partners, staff, board and the greater Twin Cities community. Together, we ignite the power and promise of youth in Minnesota!

...power-up with new community-centric values

...power-up with new community-centric values

Relationships, Youth-Centered, Belonging, and Continuous Learning & Improvement

Our values help guide our mission towards our vision, and are rooted in our commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

In 2023, over 2,200 Twin Cities youth (Littles) were served through mentoring relationships with over 1,400 volunteer mentors (Bigs).

Learn more about our youth mentoring programs: Community-Based, School-Based, Graduation Coach, and Free Arts.


Thank you for volunteering, partnering, and supporting the littlest moments that spark curiosity, and grow into big ones that ignite youth potential. Look back at 2023 with match moments and memories!

Winter Picnic

Saints Game

Summer Picnic




Download 2023 Impact Report

2023 Big Night Gala

It was more than a party! Your generosity raised us over $400,000! Our 2023 Big Night Gala will go down in memory as unforgettable!

Witness the combined power of youth mentorship and trauma-informed care for girls who have experienced mother loss through Big Sister Caitlin and Little Sister Nevaeh. This video was shown at our 2023 Big Night Gala highlighting our partnership with She Climbs Mountains which created Girls Rise Up, a trauma-informed mentoring program for motherless daughters. Thank you Twin Cities for showing that we’re #BiggerTogether. 💚

MyTalk Radio Fundraiser

#CrewforKids Fundraiser

Big Tackles with Harrison Smith

Thank you, Federated Insurance and Julie Rethemeier, for being steadfast allies in our mission to uplift Twin Cities youth with your gift of $2.1M. The impact and potential of this generous gift are profound — big possibilities and bright futures are precisely what this gift will unlock. 

As we bid farewell and extend our congratulations to Julie Rethemeier, whose leadership and passion have played a critical role in our partnership with Federated Insurance, we also express our admiration for her 35 years of service. Since 2005, the Federated Challenge event has been a cornerstone of support for youth mentoring, raising more than $52 million in its 19 years. 

Thank you for Supporting Mentorship for Youth

We are deeply grateful to you, our generous donors, sponsors, and funders, for your dedicated support of our mission to ignite the power and promise of youth through mentorship. In alignment with our community-centric values, we recognize contributions of time and talent as well as in-kind gifts alongside funders without denoting any monetary values.

Gifts In Honor Of

Lori and Jerry Allen
Betty Avery
Andy and Debbie Baltgavis
BBBSTC People and Culture Team
Emily Carlson
Edward Christie
Abdul Dire
Trey Farrow
Jeremy Heckman
Steven Knapp
Logan Park Wealth Management
Rashid Massie, Jr.
Cole Joseph Meyer
Duke Merickel
Big Zoe Moskowitz and Little Patricia
Mark and Lisa Nordland
Luke Ockuly
Enveah Patton
Erin Peterson
Alex Rasmussen and Katrina Birkelo
Pat Sukhum
Aaron Thom
Mitch and Jackie Walter

Gifts In Memory Of

Robert G. Allen
Ella Bandes
Matthew Brost
Franschon Cobbins
David DeBace
Jim Diesing
Bob Doffing
Stephen Erdall
Jay C. Fogelberg
Carson O. Funderburk
Robert H. and Shirley A. Hansing
Richard Mulcrone
Jake Peterson
Laura Schrankler
Thomas L.H. Sherman
Licia Stedman
Mike Twedt

Organizational Community of Support

318 Cafe Eagle Brook Church Larissa Loden The Riverway Foundation
3M Company and 3M Gives Ecolab, Inc. and the Ecolab Foundation David and Janis Larson Foundation Robert Half International
6Smith Edelweiss Bakery and Wine Bar Laune Bread The Royal Golf Club
Abbott Laboratories Edward Jones Legg Mason and Co., LLC Runyon’s
Abdallah’s Candies Element Technologies Lettuce Entertain You Restaurants RYP Golf
Accredited Investors Wealth Management™ Elsie’s Liberty Diversified International The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Allodium Investment Consultants, LLC Ernst & Young The Lobby Coffee & Leisure Sasquatch Sandwiches
Allstate Giving Campaign Excelsior Brewing Company Lockridge Grindal Nauen P.L.L.P. Scheels
AmazonSmile Foundation Executive Concierge Inc. Lord Fletcher’s Kara Schommer & Associates
American Express Foundation FCorp, LLC Luce Line Brewing Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
American Family Insurance Federated Insurance and the Federated Insurance Foundation Luminate Bank Sears Imported Autos
Ameriprise Financial Fhima’s Minneapolis M & Ms/Mars Retail Group Securian Financial Group, Inc. and the Securian Financial Foundation
AMP, LLC Filigree Jewelers Macy’s ServiceNow
Andersen Corporation First Bank & Trust MartinPatrick3 Signature Homes, LLC | Match Maker
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation The Mike and Linda Fiterman Family Foundation Maynard’s Restaurant Slalom
Apple Inc. The Larry Fitzgerald Foundation McNeely Foundation Slim and Trim Construction LLC
Arch Capital Group Forgotten Star Brewing Co. Medtronic, Inc. Standard Heating & Air Conditioning
Arula Mall of America Fortune Bay Resort and Casino Mersky Family Foundation State of Minnesota
AT&T Corporation Four Seasons Hotel Minneapolis Metropolitan Regional Arts Council Storm Creek
Alexis Bailly Vineyard The Foursome Michael Secrest Country Financial Agency Stryker
The Bakken Museum Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Microsoft Corporation Subaru
Bank of America Gartner Midwest Management Summit SUCCESS Computer Consulting, Inc.
BankCherokee General Mills and the General Mills Foundation Minneapolis Cider Company Surest
Barley + Vine Kitchen & Bar Gertens Minneapolis Retired Teachers Inc. Synchrony Financial
Barrio Minneapolis Gianni’s Steakhouse Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement Sysco Foods Minnesota
Bell Bank Gibson Dunn & Crutcher Minnesota Neuropsychology Target Corporation
Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Foundation GitHub Minnesota State Arts Board Target Store Ridgedale
Best Buy Company and the Best Buy Foundation Google Minnesota Timberwolves & Lynx Taylor Corporation
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Minnesota Timberwolves & Lynx Fastbreak Foundation Tecnica Group USA
F.R. Bigelow Foundation Green Climate Fund Minnesota United FC Tennant Foundation
Bio-Techne R & D Systems, Inc. Greiner Construction Minnesota Vikings Football Club, Inc. The Thielen Foundation
Birch’s on the Lake Hammer Made Galleria Momentum Thomson Reuters
Blaze Credit Union Hardenbergh Foundation The Monte Carlo Three Rivers Park District
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota The Hershey Company The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center Tokyo Electron Ltd
Bluebird Boutique High Five Promotions Nails By Karla Trademark Title
BLVD Kitchen and Bar The Hive Real Estate Team Napsis, Inc, Tradition Capital Bank
Boom Island Brewing Company The Home Depot Foundation National Endowment for the Arts Travelers
Borough Hope Community Church Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. Twin City Grill
The Boss Foundation The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Naughtin Group Twin City Model Railroad Museum
Breadsmith Illinois Tool Works Foundation New Wave Design and Verification Uncommon Retail LLC
Brightwater Clothing & Gear Instacart NFL Foundation UNFI
Broders’ Cucina Italiana International Dairy Queen NOLO’s Kitchen & Bar UnitedHealth Group and United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Brookview Golf Course & Lawn Bowling Itascapoint, Inc. Northside Achievement Zone Greater Twin Cities United Way
Brown & Brown, Inc. IWJ Charitable Foundation Casey Albert T. O’Neil Foundation University of Minnesota Football
Bull & Wren Jamf Orangetheory Fitness Edina UNRL
By The Yard The Jewel Otto Bremer Trust US Bank Foundation
Cabin O’ Pines Resort JNBA Financial Advisors Papa John’s Pizza – Minnesota Utepils
Cargill, Inc. and The Cargill Foundation Johnson & Johnson Park Tavern Bowling & Entertainment Center Varde Partners
Carlson & The Carlson Family Foundation JonnyPops Pedal Pub Twin Cities Vertical Endeavors
Channel Partners Capital LLC Junior League of Minneapolis Pinstripes Vidscrip
CHS Kendra Scott Piper Sandler Voya Financial
Cigna Foundation Peter J. King Family Foundation Pizzeria Lola WA Group
Connexus Credit Union Kowalski’s Market – Eden Prairie Plus Relocation Services Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker Foundation
Continental Diamond Kowalski’s Market – Grand Ave Polaris H.E. & Helen Warren Foundation
The Courtyard Minneapolis Downtown Kowalski’s Market – Parkview Prestwick Golf Club We-Ko-Pa Casino Resort
COV Wayzata Kowalski’s Market – Uptown Primo Plates & Pours Western Bank
Crew Carwash Kowalski’s Market – White Bear Lake Primp Boutique Selby Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.
Cummins Power Generation Lago Tacos Propel Nonprofits The Wilderness at Fortune Bay
Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc. Lake Elmo Jaycees Protiviti Inc. Wooden Ship Brewing Company
Demi Lake Monster Brewing Punch Neopolitan Pizza Wrangle LLC
Dick’s House of Sport The Lakes Running Company PwC Xcel Energy Foundation
Diamond Metal Products Lakeside Wine And Spirits Mark and Karen Rauenhorst Foundation YogaFit
Do Good Events Lakewoods Chiropractic PA RBC Foundation USA Yum! Kitchen and Bakery
DocuSign Land O’Lakes Foundation Red Rooster Youth Collaboratory
Donaldson Foundation LandCraft LLC Margaret Rivers Fund  

Individual Community of Support

Anonymous (81) Rosie Gordon Spencer | Big Callie Obey | Big
Elizabeth Abarca-Hernandez | Big Aakansha Gosain | Big Patrick O’Brien | Big
Ikedi Abasiri | Big Kelsea Gould | Big Catherine O’Callaghan | Big
Joshua and Julie Abel | Big Alyx M. Grabinger | Match Maker Shelly and Brennan O’Callaghan
Jenn Abraham | Big Kaitlyn Grabinski | Big Brendan O’Connell | Big
Kelly Abraham | Big Barry and Susan Graceman| Legacy Society Carol O’Connell and Ann Stegmaier
Don Ackerman | Big Anneliese Graeme | Big JD OConnell | Match Maker
Amy Adamle | Big Kara L. Graney | Big Tammy O’Connell
Mitchell Adams Ryan Grant | Big Emily Odegard | Big
Sheila and Don Adams Emma Grant | Free Arts Mentor Joe O’Dell | Big
Emily Adofo | Big Timothy Graveley | Big Joseph ODonnell | Big
Dami Aduayi | Big Bradford and Victoria Graves | Big Angie Oestreich
Sandra Agustin | Big Samantha Gray | Big Dennis J. Oestreich
Avraham Aharoni | Big Noelle Greely | Big John and Vicki Offerman
Philip Ahern | Big Cameron Green | Big Amanda Ogdahl
Hans Ahlstrom | Big Gary Green Elizabeth Ogren | Free Arts Mentor
Emily Aiello | Big Haley Green | Free Arts Mentor Victor Ogungbamigbe | Big
Alyssa Akenson | Big Joesha Green | Big Christopher Okeleye
Nils Akesson | Big Simone Greenleaf | Big Steven Olawsky | Big
John Akimoto | Free Arts Mentor Mckenzie Gregg Robert and Nancy Oliker | Big
Muiden Akinade | Big Kate E. Gregoric | Big Richard Ollmann and Suzanne Leung
April Alexander | Big Carla Greiman Alicia Olness | Big
James Alexander Jake Grensteiner | Big Patrick Olownia | Big
Heidi Alford | Big Linda Grey | Big Amy Olsen | Big
Barb and Tran Alfrey Ted Grindal Nancy Olsen | Big
Jerry and Lori Allen | Big | Legacy Society Cynthia Grinder Carley Olson | Big
Louis W. Allen Jeffrey Groose | Big Chloe Olson and Kenzi Callaway | Big
Timothy J. Allen Jeanne M. Gross Erik Olson | Big
Troy Allen | Big | Match Maker Lukas Grosse Perdekamp | Big Gregory Joseph Olson | Match Maker
Nina Alley | Big David Grothe | Big Karen and Len Olson | Big
Okikiola Allibalogun | Big Lauren Grouws | Big Kyle Olson | Big
Bryan Alm Sue and Frank Grover Lucas Olson | Big
Samira Almalhi | Big Marcus Grubbs | Big Mark and Jodi Olson
Kennedi Alstead | Big Kari Grundman | Big Michael Olson
Daniel and Lauri Altendorf Vincent Grundman Nathan Olson
Angela Althoff Katherine Grussing | Big Micaela Olson-Macgregor and Ryan Macgregor | Big | Match Maker
Charles Alvino | Big Lynae and Conrad Gudmundson | Big Ruby Oluoch
Becky Amidon Lauren Guerrero | Match Maker Christine M. O’Neil | Big
Forogh Amini | Big Shilpa Guthikonda Charles O’Neil
Caroline Amplatz Brittani A. Guzzetta | Big Jay ONeill
Meghan Anderley | Big Maren Haas | Big Britney O’Neill
Cal Anderson Matthew Hackler Takara Onowo | Big
Cherie Anderson | Big Phyllis and Paul Haensel Michael Onyekaba | Big
Christina Anderson Marc and Margaret Hagberg | Big Maggie Oppold
Christina Anderson and Brett Stolzenberg Michelle Hagen | Big Tseganesh Orcutt | Big
Dennis J. Anderson | Big Lauren Hagert | Big Maggie O’Reilly
Emily Anderson | Big Absolom J. Hagg Andrew Orman | Big
Grace Anderson | Big Kimberly A. Haglund Grace O’Rourke
Jacob Anderson | Big Carol Hahn Kevin Orren | Big
Jared Anderson | Big Jared Haider | Big Safiya Osman | Big
Jeff Anderson Shunzyu Haigler | Big Carrie Oster | Match Maker
Jennifer and Chad Anderson Sarah Hallen | Big Kay Ostertag
Julie and Eric Anderson Jimmy Hallman | Big Chad Ostlund | Big
Kevin Anderson Thomas and Pamela Halpern David Osunbunmi
Mark and Leigh Anderson | Big Hugh Haman | Big Kristen O’Toole | Big
Marna and Mark Anderson Corey Hamersma | Big Kayla Otterson | Big
Michelle Anderson | Big Amber Hamilton | Big Nathan Otterson | Big
Patrick Anderson Benjamin Hamilton | Free Arts Mentor Sandra Overland | Match Maker
Richard and Lise Anderson Mary Hamilton | Free Arts Mentor Marlon Oviedo Alfonso | Big
Robyn Anderson | Big Corin and Wes Hammitt Daniel Oyinloye
Shane Anderson | Free Arts Mentor Amanda Hane | Big Annie Pacieznik | Big
Sofia Anderson | Big Analysa Hang | Big Julia Pacilio | Big
Stacy Anderson | Big Heather Hanlon Tessa Paczynski | Big
Jeanne Andre Kelsey Hannemann | Big Clara Page | Big
Trenton Andres | Big Judith Hannigan | Big Gregory Page and Kathleen Blatz| Legacy Society
Brigid Ann Tayler Hanold | Big Veda Pai-Panandiker and Raj Udupa | Big
Brian Antonich | Big Heather Hanoski | Big Alexandra Paleka | Big
Michelle Antonsen Paul Hansen Doug Palmer
Mallory Apperson Sarah and Nathan Hansen Paige Palmer and Kirsten Sanghera | Big
Fatuma Arab | Free Arts Mentor Qisa Hansmeier Dave Palmieri
David and Susan Arenson Cooper Hanson Pratik Pandya | Big
Alex and Claire Argir Jared Hanson Anne Paolone
Eleanor Arms | Big Jeffery Hanson | Big Tou Papiboune | Big
Bridget and Joseph Arms Kim Hanson John Park
Daniel Armstead | Free Arts Mentor Pete and Kimberly Hanson Jordy Parker | Big
Renee Armstrong | Big Stephen Hanson | Big Mary Parker | Big
Logan Aro | Big Suzanne and Steve Hanson Douglas Parks | Big
Dan and Ali Arom Terri Hanson Bernardo and Jennifer Parlange-Valdes
Jeffrey Arsenault Carter Haponski | Big John and Jamie Parrish
Mara and Landon Ascheman Jason Hara | Big Julie and Michael Pashina
Ayriel Ash | Big | Match Maker Brandon and Jill Harbaugh Joel and Natalie Pasiuk
Karen Ash Elizabeth Harguth | Big Luke Paster
Natalie Asher | Big Jon Harkness and Jean Storlie | Big Timothy Pate | Big
Tab Ashwill | Big Rebecca Harmon | Big Varsha Patel | Big
Haley Asuma | Big Andrew Harms | Big Robert and Rebecca Patient
Alisha Auen | Big Jill Harrigan | Big Cynthia Patnode | Big
Tom August | Big Luke Harrington Emma Patridge | Big
Heather Augustine | Big Jacob Harris | Big Andrew and Jill Patton
Karsen Aune | Big Leslie Harris | Big Eric Patton | Big
Charles Autio | Big Lisa and Robert Harris | Big Julie Paul
Brian and Katherine Avery| Legacy Society Louise Harris Kyle Payne | Big
Davi E. Axelson William Harris| Legacy Society Matt Pearson
Britta Babel | Big Aucuria Harrison | Big Patricia Pearson | Big
Maddie Babel | Big Cyndy Harrison Kimberly Pechous
Frank Babka Natalie Harrison Jacob Pederson | Big
Jamie Bachaus | Big Supenn Harrison Karla K. Pederson | Big
Hannah Bade Anna Harriss Tyler Pelischek | Big
Mackenzie Bade | Big Thea Hartley | Big Matthew Pellowski | Big
Benjamin Bader | Big Richard W. Hartmann Samantha Peloquin
Troy Bader and Gina Sauer Fadumo Hashi | Free Arts Mentor Joseph P. Peltier | Big
Jon Baietto | Big Lisa and Dave Hastings Jacqueline Pena | Big
Alex Bahl Carley Haus Virginia Pendleton | Big
Carol E. Bahl Molly Haus Rick and Karyn Penn
Kenneth Bailey Jack Hawksford | Big Noah Pepper | Big
Roger Bailey Rick Haws Seth Pereira
Amber Bajpai Todd Hayes Ashley Perez | Big
Brian Baker | Big Tali and Tom Hayhoe Gustavo Perez | Big
Carly and Mitch Baker James and Kathryn Haymaker Maria Peri | Big
Cedrick Baker | Big Jean Hayman and Scott Wetterlund | Big Turner Perkins | Big
Jessica A. Baker | Big Mike Head Kevyn Perkins | Big
Lauren Bakke | Big Alan Hearth Nicolette Perreault | Big
Patrick Baldy | Big Adrian Hebig Anthony Perrella | Big
Monica Ball | Big Zach Hebl Mo Perry | Big
Sara Ball | Big Jeremy Heckman Lindsay Pesonen
Yvonne Baller Jennifer Heegaard | Big Emily Peters | Big
Joe Baltgalvis | Big Taylor Hegstrand Kenneth Peters | Big
Matthew Baltimore | Big Kaitlin Heikkinen | Big | Match Maker Luke Peters
Courtney and Filip Baluch | Big Jason and Carol Hein Nancy Peters Sparrow
Mohamed M Bande | Big John and Teresa Heisick Beni Petersen | Free Arts Mentor
Stephen Bangs | Big Nate Heisick Danielle Petersen | Big
Brock Banken Rebekah and Austin Heisick Sara Petersen | Big
Janet Banken Andrew Hellberg | Big Ambyr Peterson and Scott Schibonski | Big
Matt Banker | Big Ali Helle | Big Brad Peterson
Elisa Baral Peter Heller Brad and Mary Peterson
Leanne Barck | Big Amelia Helm | Big Dane and Lindsey Peterson
Lauren Bardwell Becca Hemke Doug Peterson | Big
Caitlin Bargmann Kristi Hemmer Erin Peterson | Big
Helene Barhaugh | Free Arts Mentor Julie Hemze | Free Arts Mentor Matt Peterson
Miranda Barker | Big Ashley Henderson | Big Rachel Peterson | Big
Diane Barnes Michael Henderson | Big Tim Peterson | Big
Ellen Barnhart | Big Brian and Karen Hendrickson Tom and Shelly Peterson
Tracy L. Barnhart | Big Paul Hendrickson | Big | Match Maker Cody Petrich | Big
Alex J. Barnier | Big Jeff Hendrix Diane Petron
Diane Barr | Big Jessica Hendrix | Big Alicia Pezzula | Big
Alexandra Barrett Josie Henjum Jamison Pfaff | Big
Emily Bartel Jake Hennes Peter and Karen Pfeiffer
Laura M. Bartel | Big Megan Henning Sean Phan | Big
Maura K. Bartel Zoe Henrot | Big Teresa Phan | Big
Jennifer and David Bartels | Big Steve Hentges and Meggie Wittorf | Match Maker Justine Pica | Big
Will Barton Susan Hentges Mary Pichotta | Big
Molly Barwick Steven and Deborah Hepokoski Alex Pick | Big
Jakari Bass | Big William Herdman | Big Sean and Hilary Pick
Katie Bates | Big Corey Herkender Gregory Pilon | Big
Heather and Jim Basten Jared Herman | Big Ivan Pinto | Big | Match Maker
Hannah Batty Scott Herman | Big Alexandra Plevell | Big
Jeff Bauer Tasha Hermes | Big Dustin Ploessl
Whitney Bauer Daniel Hernandez Sierra Plotnikov | Big
Elizabeth Bauernfeind | Big Jamie Hernandez | Big Elisa Pluhar | Big
Craig Baumann | Big Julia Hernandez John R. Poferl | Big
Beth Bayer Michele and Andy Herring Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Shayna Polden | Big
Bridgette Bazant | Big Bridget and Joel Herrmann Samuel Polito | Big
Kalsey Beach Logan Hershey | Big Neal Pollock | Big
Ashley Beadell | Big Nick Hertog | Big Kjelsey Polzin | Big
Bailey Beaderstadt | Big Christopher Herzig | Big Therese Pomerening
Kenneth Beamer | Big Alisa Hetrick | Big Katelynn Poncin
Joan Bechtold | Match Maker Keara Hiatt | Big John and Gail Ponterio
Jan and Dave Beck Erin Hickey Merlin Pooniwala | Big
Thomas Becken | Big Jared Hicks | Big Cassandra Popp | Big
Becky and Ryan Becker | Match Maker Liam Higgins Christine Popp | Big
Claudia and Steven Becker Chris Highberg | Big Leah Porter
Anna Beckler | Match Maker Chad Hildebrandt | Big Maggie Poster | Big
Robert Bedard Robert Hildebrandt Elizabeth and David Potasek | Big
Laura Beddor Chelsea Hildreth | Big Nicholas Pouladian | Big
Maria Camila Bedoya Posada | Match Maker David J. Hillestad | Big Joyce Powdrill | Big
Kiandrah Beeskow | Free Arts Mentor Kaitlyn Hilliard and Jacob Harris | Big Erica and Mat Pralle
Kyle A. Beeson | Big Molly Hillstrom Ian Pratt
David Begelman | Big Melody Hillyer | Big Dianet Preciado | Big
Valerie Belair-Gagnon Jeffery Hines | Big Kristin Prentice
Mari Belina | Free Arts Mentor Kristin Hintz | Big Sam Pressman | Big
Kelsey Belisle | Big Joyce Hirsch | Big Robert and Jill Prevost
Hannah Bell | Big Sara Hirsch | Big Steve and Kelli Pricco
Courtney Bell-Duncan Ta-Yuan Ho | Big Brandon Price | Big
Alexa Beller | Big Michelle Hobbs | Big William Priedeman
John Benda | Big Gina Hochsprung | Free Arts Mentor Justin Procai
Roscoe Bendtsen | Big Kirsten Hoechst | Big Katie Prochnow | Big
Susan and Joseph Benevides | Big Nathan Hoeft | Big Michael and Jaime Proman
Andrea Bennett April Hoelle Alyssa Proudfoot | AlumB
Heather Bennett Jamie Hofberger and Karol Gilman | Big Mandi Proue | AlumB
Mary and Bryan Bennett Lesley Hofberger John and Sande Przytarski
Kelly Bennewitz Jess Hoffert | Big Danielle M. Pugliese | Big
Robert Bennewitz Ann Marie Hoffman | Big Bill Pulles
Steven Bennewitz | Big | Match Maker Brandon Hoffman | Big Merilee Puls | Big
Will Bennewitz Megan Hoffman | Big Larisa Pyskir | Big
David and Sara Benning| Legacy Society Michelle Hoffman | Big Fred Quiggle | Big
Joseph Benning Tonya Hogan | Big Caitlyn Quilty | Big
Ray and Valerie Benning Andrea Hoge | Big Matthew Quist | Big
Erin Benoit | Free Arts Mentor Katherine Hoglin | Match Maker Christopher Rackliffe | Big
Anthony Benson Xiaowen and John Hogue | Big Suzanne Raddatz
Halle Benson | Big Heidi Hoheisel | Big Susan Rader Page and Jeremy Page
Jared Benson | Big Mark Hoiland Sridhar Ramachandran | Big
Kristine and Wayne Benson Maria Hokanson Ashley Ramacher | Big
Laura Benson | Big Megan C. Hollenkamp | Big Ingri Ramirez | Big
Olester Benson, Jr. Jae Hollins | Big Erin Ramsey
Sean C. Benson Rechelle and Chad Hollowaty Phillip Ramsey | Big
Stephanie Bentz Mary Holm April Ranallo | Big
Justine Beran | Big Kaitlyn Holmquist | Big Alicia Ranasinghe and Adam Parro | Big
Barb and Jeremie Berg Matthew Holten | Big Charles Ranney
Chad Berg | Big Dominique and Joel Holwerda Michael D. Rasley | Big
Thomas Berg Anne Hombach Andrew Rasmussen | Match Maker
Nicole Berger | Big Willie J. Hong | Big Emily R. Rasmussen
Shelby Berger | Big Bethany Hoogenakker | Big Jordan Rasmussen
Ashley Bergeron | Big Albert W. Hooke Peter and Marilyn Rasmussen
Mark Bergman Bill and Casey Hooke Cody Rasner | Free Arts Mentor
April Bergstrom | Big David Hoover | Big Matt Rassette
Drew and Suzy Bergstrom Deidre Hoppe Paul Rassier | Big
Denise Berkley Catherine Hornecker | Big Ann Rauch | Big
Jacqueline Bernard | Big Taylor Hornnes | Big Mark and Karen Rauenhorst
Rylee Bernardy | Big Amy Hornstra and Michael Belmont | Big Matthew and Kristine Rauenhorst | Big
Barb Bernstein Amy Horter | Big James Rautmann | Big
Shad Bernstein Michelle Hortian Shane Rawson
Brent Berry | Big Lexi Horvath Sam Ray | Big
Aleya Berry | Free Arts Mentor Christopher and Elizabeth Hosch Kayvon Raza | Free Arts Mentor
Tom Berthiaume John Houdek | Big Mark J. Reagan | Big
Taylor Beskar | Free Arts Mentor Amy Houston | Big Brenda Reddan
Danny Bess Victoria and Dave Hovde | Big James and Jodi Reddan
Amanda Best | Big Pamela Hove | Big Beth Reding
Brian Bethke | Big Cole Howard | Big Lars Redpath | Big
Mary Bethke Joel B. Howard Jena Reed | Big
Paige Bethke | Big Alayna Hoy | Big Courtney Reger
Diane and Laurence Betterley Joseph W. Hubanks Molly Reger | Big
Andrea Beukelman | Big Elizabeth Hubbard | Free Arts Mentor Tori Rehak | Big
Timmie Beverly | Big Erik Hundevad | Big Bruce Rehberg
Nihal Bhakta | Big Keith Hunn | Big Nadia Rehm
Meena Bharti Sara Hunt Aleena Rehman | Big
Alison Bibeau | Big Patricia A. Hunter Ryan Reichert
Jared Bickler Sara Huntley Bart and Barbara Reigstad
Nicole Biehn | Big Suzette Huovinen Heather Reinhardt
Tracey Biehn | Big Diana Hurley | Big Jake and Annika Reinhardt
Danielle Bieri | Big Noelle Hurst | Free Arts Mentor Laura Reinke
Scott Biggerstaff | Big Emily Huse | Big Anna Reiter
Josie Bigler | Big David Huskisson | Big John Remes | Big
Jennifer Billig Annika Huston Jennifer Renaud
Sean Billig | Big Craig Hutchison and Lisa Willis | Big Lucia Renikoff
Olivia Binsfeld | Big Heidi Hutter | Big David Renstrom and Lisa Bless-Renstrom
Louis Biondo Nathan Huynh | Big Julie and Eric Rethemeier
Emily and Nick Birkeland Kate Hvizdos | Big John and Lynette Reuter
Catherine Bishop | Big Ethan Hyman Justin Revenaugh
Jim Bishop Evan Iacobini Jaime Reyes | Big
Josephine and Greg Bitter Janelle and Jason Ianfolla Kara Rheingans | Match Maker
Jennifer Bitts Kevin Idahor | Big Judith Ricciardi
Kevin Bjerke | Big Lauren Ignaut and Matthew Rein | Big Anna Rice | Big
Suzanne S. Blackburn Ifeyinwa Ikegwuani | Big Ashley Rice | Big
Michelle Blaeser | Big Kate Indrelie Ethan Rice | Big
Diane and Clinton Blaiser Nick Innocenti Tyler Rice | Big
Courtney Blanchard | Big Gail Irish | Big Bill Richards | Big
Molly Blasberg | Big Claire Irwin Chris Richardson
Amanda J. Blazek | Big Ann Isaacson | Free Arts Mentor Elisa Richardson
Andrew Blegen Marguerite Isaacson | Free Arts Mentor Reese Richardson
Alexa Blessinger | Big Khalid Isaid-Khoury | Big Buck Richerson | Big
Isaac and Skylar Bliek | Big Cara Iselin | Big Veronica Richfield | Big
Valerie Blomberg | Big Emi Ito Sandi M. Richmond
Christopher Blomstrand | Big Tom Jackels Pat and Pat Rickert
Debra Bobick | Big Charity Jackson | Big Emma Ridgeway | Big
Brian Boche | Big Joy Jackson Dillon Rilea
Alex Bockman | Big Kyle Jackson Kortni Ringwall | Free Arts Mentor
Scott and Anna Bode | Big Mariann Jackson Whitney Rinowski | Big
Brenda Boden Matthew J. Jacobs | Big April and Simon Riordon
Shannon Bodick Holly Jacobson Andrew Ripka
Claire Boeke | Big Marietta Jacobson Barb Rippberger
Dillon Boelman | Big Mary and Eric Jacobson | Big Zack Rippberger
Derek Boerner | Big Ryan Jacobson | Big Mason Ristow | Big
Kristen Boese A.Z. Jacobson-Anderson | Big Rochelle Ritchie | Big
Sarah Boespflug | Big Lydia Jagodzinski | Big Jeannine Rivet and Warren Herreid
Dalton Boettcher | Big | Match Maker Hannah James | Big Eric Roach
Brian Bohman Rebecca Jarson | Big Paul and Kim Roach
Megan Boie | Big Robert Jaskowiak and Ruthie Henderson | Big Kelsey Roadfeldt | Big
Robert and Kimberly Boisvert Robert Jeffries | Big Adara Robbins | Big
Deborah Bokhorst | Big Robert Jenkins | Big Aqueelah K. Roberson | Big
Agnes Boksa | Big Kelsey Jennen | Big Andrew and Lisa Robertson
Benjamin Boldt | Big Mathew and Brita Jennissen | Big Greg Robinson
Hanna Boleman | Big Jen and Erik Jensen Scott and Amy Robinson
Lisa Bolin | Match Maker Karsten Jensen | Big Zachary Robole | Big
Olivia Bolster | Big Morgan Jensen | Big Brian Robran | Big
Alayna Bombard | Big Britta Jepsen Sherrill Shawanna Terica Rodriguez
Steve Boniface | Big David Jessup Megan Roe | Big
Julie Booth Josh John Chuck and Terri Roehrick | Legacy Society
Brian and Lorri Borgelt Christine Johns Katie Roek
Erica Borisevich Abigail Johnson | Big Joe Rogers | Big
Andrew Borne | Big Aimee Johnson | Big Lida Rogers | Big
Rhett Borner | Big Alex Johnson | Big Andrew Roiger | Big
Roberta Bornhoeft | Big Anthony Johnson Kyle and Rindi Rolfing
Patty Bornhoft Cary and Vanessa Johnson| Legacy Society Alexander Roltgen | Big
Andrew and Ellen Bosl Clara Johnson Diana Roman
Brian Bourn | Big Connor Johnson | Big Becky Romanik | Big
Michael and Kathy Bourne | Big Erica Johnson | Free Arts Mentor Maribeth M. Romslo | Big
Michelle and John Bovy Gail Johnson | Big Joel Ronning | Big
Kristine Bowditch | Big Gavin Johnson Mark and Lauren Ropel
Patrick and Marylouise Bowe | Big Gayle Johnson Jake Rorvick | Big
Julie Bowman Jacob Gabriel Johnson | Big Anissa Rosario | Free Arts Mentor
Tim Bowman Jamie Johnson | Big Bill Rose | Big
Erica Borisevich Jay B. Johnson James Roseborough
Todd Boyce | Big Karli Johnson | Big Valerie Ross | Big
Chelsea Boyden | Big Kellen Johnson | Big Zach Ross | Big
Erica Boyer | Big Kevin Johnson | Big Emily Roswold | Big
Timaria N. Brach | Big Kyle Johnson Dan Rothe | Big
David Brain Laura Johnson | Big Sarah Roths | Big
Krista and Joseph Brakke Leah and Daniel Johnson Gabriel Rouse | Big
Jason Branby Malika Johnson | Free Arts Mentor Rebecca Roush
Joe Branch | Big Marti Johnson Stacy Rubsam
Maria Brand | Big Melanie Johnson | Big William Ruckel III | Big
Laura Brandes | Big Melinda Johnson Melanie Rucker | Big
Nathaniel Brandhorst | Big Phil Johnson Robert Rude
Amy Brandli Rebecca Johnson Staab | Big Robin Rudisuhle | Big
Erik and Hanna Brandt Sara Johnson | Big Alexis Rudnitski | Big
Rob Brandt Stephanie Johnson | Big Julie Ruegemer | Big
Yaniv J. Brandvain | Big Zach Johnson Rosa Ruiz Mendez | Free Arts Mentor
Gordon and Julianne Braun Jeremy and Maureen Johnston | Big Wolf Ruhmann
Shannon and Adam Braun | Big Erik Johnston | Big Elsa Rundquist | Free Arts Mentor
Debra and Daniel Bredow Mark Johnston Jake Ruppert | Big
Meredith Breitenbach | Big Trevor Johnston | Big Margaret Rupprecht | Big
Hannah Bremer Mollie Jonart | Big Adam Rusinak | Big
Dana Brettingen Jordan Jonassen | Big Shannon Rusk
Melanie Breza | Big Allison Jones | Big Michael Russ
Collin Brezny Candis Jones | Free Arts Mentor Chelsea Russell | Big
Katie Bridges | Big Gavin Jones Thomas and Mary Russett | Big
Nicole Bridgland | Big Haley Jones | Big Clifford Rustad
Nathan Briguet | Big Olivia C. Jones James Rutherford | Big
Raven Brinson | Big Zachery and Cailey Jones | Match Maker Cory and Kate Rutledge
Gregory Bro | Big Christopher Jordan | Big Kathleen and Michael Ryan
Nikki and Andy Broderick | Big Eric Jorgensen Lori Ryan | Big
Sean and Debbie Broderick Oliver Jorgensen Seth Ryan
Michael Brody | Big Pat Jorgensen | Match Maker Tara Ryan | Big
Tina Bross Shilvi Joshi | Big Mark Ryberg
David Brost | Big Alicia Joswiak | Big Anders Ryden | Free Arts Mentor
Nick Brott | Big Ana Juarez Hernandez | Free Arts Mentor Samreen Saadi
Dominique Brown | Big Alicia Judy | Big Barbara Sabino Pina | Big
Julia Brown | Big Sarah Julius Sabota Family Charitable Fund
Kathy L. Brown Richard and Sarah Juliusson | Big Callie Sacarelos | Big
Nancy Brown | Free Arts Mentor Joanne Jung | Big Aashwin Sachdev | Big
Ryan Brown | Big David Juola Sabrina Sala | Big
Terry Brown | Big Michelle Justen | Big Julie Salamzadeh
Sara Broze Sandy and Emanuel K. Daniel Salazar
Jason and Roxanne Brubaker John and Susan Kachel Maria Alejandra Salazar | Big
Nathan Brubaker Maya Kachian | Big Molly Sandas
Joseph G. Bruce | Big Ginger and Troy Kakacek Benjamin Sandell | Big
Matthew Bruce Katlyn Kakarakis | Big William Sanders | Big
Colton Bruhn | Big Katelyn Kalenberg | Big Skyler Sandlin | Big
Michael Brun | Big Elizabeth A. Kalin Luke Sandstrom | Big
Kimberley Brunner | Big Ryan Kallas | Big Sandvig Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Louis Bruno Wade M. Kallhoff | Big Susan Sandvig Shobe and Joel Shobe
Samantha Brunson Spencer and Heather Kaminsen | Big Kate Sandvik
Jason Buchanan | Big Barbara T. Kanyr Eric Sanford
Nicole Buchanan Arnold and Shirley Kaplan Priya Sanicharra | Big
Lisa and Chuck Buckner | Big Julie Kaplan | Big Chris Sanko | Big
Shannon Buckner Umut Kaplan Michael and Kate Sargent
William Buckner Andrea Karels Ashley Sarow | Big
Karla Buerkle and Joseph Himmelberg Steven Karschnia | Big Andrea and Joseph Satter
Nicholie Bufkin | Big Brett M. Kasak Erin Saunders | Big
Debra Bulluck | Big Molly Kasel | Big Colleen Savstrom | Big
Karmit Bulman, Esq. | Big Anton Kasella | Big Sohum Sawant | Big
Angie M. Bunde | Big Kathleen Kastan | Big Jennifer Sawyer | Big
Morgan Burden | Big Jake Kastanek Andrew Scarborough | Match Maker
Brett Burgau | Big Megan Kathman | Big Charles Schacht | Big
Matt Burgess | Big Gabriela Kauls | Free Arts Mentor Michele Schaeperkoetter
Benjamin Burkhardt | Big Kyle Kauma Charles Schaitberger
Alyssa Burnell | Big Sydney Kaye | Big Greg and Morganne Scharine
Angela Burns | Big Brittany Keefe | Free Arts Mentor Mark and Meg Scharmer | Big
Christopher and Shelli Burns Scott Keefer Carrie Schauf | Match Maker
Melissa Burns | Big Susan Keis Ben Scheerer
Stacy Burns Andrew Keith Katie Scheffler | Big
Tricia Burns Irvin | Big Charles Keithroy III Nick and Liz Scheibel
William Burns | Big Mary M. Kelleher Julie Schilz
Abbey Burtis | Big Matthew Kelley Ellie Schlaefer | Big
Daniel Busack | Big Paul Kelley | Big Gregory and Tonya Schlaefer
Colleen Bush Chad and Shelly Kelly Cherie Schlasner | Big
Isabella Bustamante | Free Arts Mentor Joe Kelly | Big Katherine Schlasner | Big
Brenda Butler Matt R. Kelly | Big Beverly E. Schleper
Elizabeth Butler | Big Nash Kelly Megan Schletty
Christopher Buu Ann Kemp | Big Mark Schlichting | Big
Evan Byler | Big Jay Kent Maggie Schmid | Big
Eric Byrd Molly Kerr | Big Jarin Schmidt
Nicole Byrnes | Big Mark and Amy Kersey Randall Schmidt
Shayla Byron John Keske Charles and Elaine Schmieg
Kristen Bywater | Big Emma Ketcham | Big James R. Schmit | Big
Kaitlyn Cafferty | Big Koua Kha | Big Wendi R. Schmitt | Big
Amanda Cahill | Big Ali Khaleel | Big Matthew Schmitz
Rebecca Cahn Adam Khan | Big Andrew Schneider | Big
Kathleen Calabria Mehmud Khidar | Big Cindy and Michael Schneider
Ryan Caldwell | Big Morgan Kielsa | Big Michael Schneider
Colleen Callahan | Big Khadrelia Killingsworth | Big Nathan Schneider | Big
John and Mary Ann Callahan Patrick and Carolyn King | Big Michael Schnell | Big
Mary Callahan Schreiber Sophia King | Big Brett Scholfield | Big
Christopher Callan Abby Kingsley | Big Mark J. Scholtes
Jason Callan Abby Kinnan | Big Peter Scholtz | Big
Aleen Calle | Big Taylor Kinning | Big Charles and Christine Schram | Big
Anderson Cameron | Big Richard John Kirchner | Big Elizabeth Schrandt | Big
Kevin Campbell | Big Meghan K. Kirchhoff | Big Emily Schrankler | Big
Matt Campion | Big Kaden Kirsch Pam Schrankler
Neo Canniff | Big Lena and Shawn Kirsch Sandra Schreur Jones
Tyneeta Canonge | Big Andrea Kisch Kenzie Schroeder | Big
Rachel Canowitz Michael Kisch Kyle Schroeder
Steven Canter Libby Kish Megan Schroeder | Free Arts Mentor
Colin Caple | Big Awa-Ada Princess Kisob Rachel Schromen | Big
Jonathan Carbone Gina Kispert | Big Jake Schubert and Christine Piwnica | Big
Lauren Carew | Big Dreya Klante | Big Sarah Schuchardt
Joel Carey Cynthia Klaus Ally Schultz | Big
Arhonda Carlisle | Match Maker Rachel Klaven Hollie Mae Schultz
Andrew Carlson | Big Sierra Klein-Roque | Free Arts Mentor Jennifer Schultz | Big
Emily and Adam Carlson Richard Kleinbaum Leah Schultz | Big
Sonja Carlson | Big Elizabeth and Craig Kleis Logan Schultz | Big
Paul Caron | Big Bryan and Jessica Klick | Big Maxwell Schultz | Big | Match Maker
Judith and Bradford Carpenter Kirsten Klima | Free Arts Mentor Susan Schultz
Michael and Renee Carrel Krista Klindworth Shelby Schultz
Zuzet Carreon | Big Frank Kline Zachary Schuman and Amani Yassin | Big
Lynn and Patrick Carroll | Big Amanda Klinger | Big Catherine Schuster
Courtney Carter | Big Jackie Klinkner | Big Judy Schwakopf
Christopher Carter | Big Michelle Klipfel Hannah Schwartz | Big
Kim Carter | Big Stacie Klitz | Big Russell Schweihs | Big
Chia Carver Steve and Barb Knapp Kaela Schweisthal | Big
Caroline Casey Spencer Knott | Big Rachel Schwenke | Big
Karen Casey Elliot Collin Knudsen | Big Samantha Schwichtenberg | Big
Shirley Cashore Samuel Knuth | Big | Match Maker Antoinette Scott | Big
Justine Caspers Halle Knutson | Big Cedric Scott | Big
Katie Cassidy | Big Katherine Knutson | Big Kelly Scott
Kathy Casson Linda Knutson Michele Scott
Lisa and Ethan Casson | Match Maker Paul Kobs | Big Meghan Seaberg | Big
Valdon Cassoutt | Big Travis Kobs | Big Michael J. Sedki | Big
Kristi Castillero | Big Diane L. Koch Bobbi S. Sell | Big
Corinne Castro Natalie Koch | Big Nancy Selleck
Edwin Castro Sarah Kocian | Big Abir Sen and Crystal Cullerton-Sen
Julie and Christopher Causey Michelle Kocina | Big Mish Sen
Sarah Cava | Big Danial Koehler Rachel L. Seppi | Big
Stacey and Tom Cavanaugh Jonah Koeppen | Big Thomas B. Serrill
Apryl Cave | Free Arts Mentor Cheryl Koestler Madeline Seurer
Angela Cavier Dale Koestler Chris Severson | Big
Benjamin Ceder | Big Danielle Koestler | Big Christopher Sevig | Big
Carli Ceder | Big Jonathan Koestler Chris Sexton | Big
Kurt and Andrea Cegielski Jerald Kohls | Big Brian Shaffer
Philip Cernin and Andrew Kubitschek Twylah Kohout Priyanka Shah | Big
Gina Cesaretti and Michael Iwan Jennifer Koizumi Sehar Shah | Big
Thomas Chaffee | Big Kamille Kolar | Big Byne Shaka | Big
Brad Chamberlain Julianna Kolb | Big Corcoran C. Shannon
Allison Chambers | Big Daisy Konen | Big Marcie Shatz | Big
Sara Champlin | Big Tanya Korpi | Match Maker Michael Shaughnessy
Rita Chan Daniel and Therese Kosch | Big Emily Shea | Big
Ivan Chang | Big Kirk P. Kosel Kate Shea | Big
Youa Chang Todd and Annie Kosel Jean Sheats
Mike Chanzis Jake Kovacs | Big Maggie Sheats | Big
Chase Chapple | Big Stanley B. Kozak Brandon Sheirich | Big
Todd Charney | Big Sara Krajewski | Big Anuj Shekhawat | Free Arts Mentor
Jocelyn Chavez | Big Lynette Krampf | Big Michael Shenkenberg
Daniel Chen | Big Isaiah Kranz | Big Chris Shepard
Emi Chen | Big Kelly Kratz | Big Megan Shepherd | Big
Kippen Chermak Erin Krause | Big William Shepard
Nathan Chicos | Big Chelsey Krecklau | Big Tyler J. Sherden | Big
Chung Ching Chan | Big Jessica Krempa | Big Ewing Shields V | Big
Adam Choe | Big Amy Kresser | Free Arts Mentor Yohji Shionoya | Big
Nate Chomilo Dirk Kreunen Kathleen Shipp | Big
Courtney Chouinard | Big Becky Krieger Laura Shires | Big
Kelsey Christensen | Big Jamison D. Krier Dan Shogren
Mark S. Christensen | Big Karli Kriewall | Big Damon Shoholm
Sarah Christensen | Big Curtis Kroells Lisa Shol | Big
Sydney Christensen | Big Kenneth J. Kroening and Joyce E. Quinn-Kroening | Big Tori and Michael Showalter
Ronald and Janet Christenson Michael Kroening | Big Jacob Shrode | Big
Jacia Christiansen | Free Arts Mentor Elizabeth Kron | Big Yoonjin Shu | Big
Jessica Christiansen | Big Maddie Kron | Big Julie Sibley
David and Lauren Christianson | Big Pamela Kroyer | Match Maker Matt Sieberg | Big
Edward F. Christie| Legacy Society Jackie Kruchowski Betts and Nathan Betts Nicole Siegner | Big
John R. Christie Nicole Krupchak Geoffrey Sigler
Paul C. Christopher | Big Alicia Kruse | Big Adam Silverstein
Graham Christopherson | Big John Kubik | Big Jeremy Wayne Simmons II | Big
Joel and Winni Christopherson Alison Kudrle | Free Arts Mentor Adeline Simon | Big
Karissa Cibuzar | Big Kyle P. Kuehlwein | Big Santana Simon | Big
Kate Cichomski Carissa Kuehn | Big Libby Simones | Big
Marek Ciolko | Big Donna Kuhl Silas Simpson | Big
Alex Clark | Big Brett Kuhlmann | Big Jill Sims | Big
Brian Clark Jason Kukachka Steven J. Sinclair
Cady Clark Conrad Kunz Greg Sindberg | Big
Donald Clark | Match Maker Deb Kurz | Big Alexandria Singleton | Big
Gracia Clark | Big Timothy Kutzer Jared S. Sipe | Big
Heather Clark Kristen Kvalsten Sara Sirag | Free Arts Mentor
Margaret Clark | Big Donna La Brasseur Eric Sis
Mikale Clark | Big Marc Labelle Edward V. Sison | Big
Wyatt Clark Beth LaBreche and Eric Johnson Steve Sizemore
Paul and Melissa Claseman Leila Labyad | Big Jeffrey Sjulstad | Big
Cheryl A. Claugherty | Big Mary Lacey | Big Kara N. Skahen | Big
Hailey Clausen | Big Bruce and Mary Lach Karie Skarohlid
Krista Clausen | Big Brennan Lafeber | Big Wendy Skillingstad
Charley Clements | Big Elizabeth Laferriere | Big Laura A. Skubic | Big
Colin Clifford | Big Laurie M. Lafontaine| Legacy Society Kristin Slaughter | Big
Deb and Ross Clifford Andrew Lahl | Big Brad Sleeper
Brandon Cobb and Taherah Shamsulbahri-Cobb | Big Anna Lahl | Big Michael Sletten
Tyla Cobb | Big David Laird | Big Ryan Slipka | Big
Isaac Cobbina | Big Madison Laird Jon D. Slock
Carol Code Ross LaLond | Big Abby Smestad
John Cochran | Big Randy Lamb | Big Aaron T. Smith | Big
Pete Coen Krystal Lamoureux Abby Smith
Hayley Coffield John Lampe | Big Anna Smith
Jeff Colaizy Margaret Lamuro and Anthony Andersen | Big Ashley Smith
Christopher Colantti | Big Anthony Landas | Big Carol and Red Smith Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Will Colclough | Match Maker Kathryn Landrum | Big Clayton Smith | Big
Foster and Elaine Cole| Legacy Society Timothy Landsberger | Big Emily Smith | Big
Alexandra Coleman | Big Kristen Landwehr | Big Erika Smith | Big
Ryan Collins James Lane | Big Harrison Smith
Sandy and Sean Collins Kelly and Matt Lange Kevin Smith
Tyler Collins | Big Tim and Tracey Lange Leah Smith | Big
William Collins Elizabeth Langer Mikayla I. Smith | Big
Mitchell Condon | Big Michael Langseth | Big Morgan Smith | Big | Match Maker
Michelle Conklin | Big Paul Lanz | Big Lucie Smoker | Big
John Conlin Sam Lapham | Big Luke Snyder | Big
Jordan Conlin | Big Jordan LaPointe | Big Jane Sobolewski
Camille Conlon | Big Melanie J. LaPointe | Big Katie and David Sobolewski
Mark L. Conlon Jessica Larrabee | Big Brian Soderholm | Match Maker
Joe Connolly | Big Brett Larsen | Big Holly Sodomka
Steven J. Connolly Shelby Larsen | Big Jim Sodomka | Big
Abby Conover | Big Bennett Larson Ashley Solem | Free Arts Mentor
Jessica Constant Gayle Larson | Big Richard and Nancy Solum | Legacy Society
Tegan Conway | Big Heidi Larson | Big Eleanor Sonnabend | Big
Claire Cook | Big Jeffrey Larson | Big Alec Sonquist | Big
Molly Cook | Match Maker Kait Larson | Big Lea Sorrentino | Big
Mark and Sara Cookson | Big Kent and Leah Larson Jennifer Sorvari | Big
Sarah Coon Kurt and Constance Larson Amber and Ryan Soule | Big
Donna Cooper Reid Larson | Big Kayla Spande | Big
Pat and Anita Cooper | Big RJ Larson | Big John Spangler
Bruce Copley and Renee Roy | Big Abby Laryea | Big Don Spadaccini
Stephanie Corder | Big Jeffrey and Julie LaSota Raelyn Spears | Big
Jennifer Cordes Kelly Latterell Pat Spencer
Cordova Kramer Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Jacob Lauer | Big Maxwell Spencer | Free Arts Mentor
Allison Corlett | Free Arts Mentor Curt LaValle | Big Sydney Sperling | Big
Heather Cornwell | Big Daniel LaVergne | Big Christian Spiegel | Big
Lynn and Andy Cornwell| Legacy Society Catherine LaVergne | Big Jennifer and Anthony Spiel | Big
Ronald Cornwell Bola Lawal | Big Missy Spinks Austreng
Maggie Corum | Big Brittany D. Lawonn | Big Alexander Spitzer | Big
Sarah Cossette | Big Dustin Lawrence | Big Jen and Andy Sposeto
Dave Costlow Chloe Lawyer | Big Karla and John Spurgeon
Debbie Cote and Nancy Burns Michael Leadholm and Barbara Eastwold Dayne St. Clair
Eleanor Cotlar | Free Arts Mentor Lisa Leary-Schulz Lee St. Clair
Ed Cotton Keegan Leddy | Big Jacqueline St. John
Jeremy and Dawn Coudron | Big Lillian Lee | Big Susan and Philip St. Ores
Diane Coulson Mick and Sandy Lee Jonathon Stabenow
Jenna Coulson | Big Megan Lee Christopher Stafford | Big
Monica L. Coulter | Big Steven Lee | Big James A. Staiger
Ryan Cowart | Big Laurie and Stephen Leensvaart Ryan Staley | Big
Jordan Cowing | Big Beverly Legler Warren and Mary Staley
Katherine and Fiona Cox | Big Carol J. Lego Jennifer Stalpes
Victory Cox | Big Joshua Lemmer | Big Elizabeth Stanczyk | Big
Rebecca Cradle | Big Mark Lenhart | Big Ellen Stanley
Emily Cramble | Big Ann Lenhert Zimmer David Stansberry and Shannon Schritz
Carl Craven | Big Nick Lemaniak Lexi Stanton | Big
Nancy Cravens Tim Lenartz Adele Starr | Big
Tanya Crawford | Big Mark Lenhart | Big | Match Maker Josef Stauber | Big
Bonnie Creason and Douglas Giron| Legacy Society Charlotte Lenkaitis | Big Madeline Stead | Big
Mackenna Cristilly | Free Arts Mentor Christine Lenneman | Big Dan Stedman
Cindy and Morgan Cronin | Big Danielle Leno Chris Steele
Ryan D. Crosby Elizabeth Lenzen | Big Karen Steele
Elisa Cross Amanda Leonard | Big Judie and R.M. Steenberg
Kerry Crotty | Big Jeffrey Leonard | Big Christopher J. Steep
Lauren Crowley | Big Rachel Leonard | Big Aaron Stegemann
Charles Crummy | Big Michael and Cynthia LeSage Tessa Steger
Kyle Cruickshank Kiara Leuthe | Big Shelby E. Stehn | Big
Chris Cudnowski | Big Karen S. Leutner | Match Maker Kathryn Steidle
Courtney Cullen | Big Alison Levahn | Big Michael Steidle
Katie Culshaw | Free Arts Mentor Steve and Kara LeVahn Jon Stein | Big
Laura Cummings | Big Ian Lever Matthew Stein | Big
Daniel Cunningham Phil M. Lewenstein Brady Steinbach
Nick Cupery | Big Brian Lewis | Big Paul Steiner
Allison Curry | Free Arts Mentor Brandon Lewis | Big Ben Stelter | Big
Shane Curtis | Big Diane and Harvey S. Lewis, Jr. Nathan Stensland | Big
Mikayla Curtis | Big Jennifer and Randall Lewis | Big Elsie Stephensen
Shelby Cutler John and Julie Lewis Andrew and Jessica Stern
Anne Czernek | Big Karuna R. Lewis | Big Bill Stevens | Big
Sam Dagit | Big Sherri Lewis Jason Stevens
Oliver Dahlberg David Ley | Big Chris Stewart | Big
Andrew Dahnke Danni Li Brett Stewart | Big
Olivia Dains | Big Mike Liay | Big Spencer Stewart-Hester | Big
Bree Dalager Anne Liberko | Big Haven Stier | Big
Amy L. Damiano | Big Kieran Lieberg | Big Heidi Stiles | Free Arts Mentor
Ricky Damien | Big Max Liebl Charles Stobbie
Gordon Daniel Daniel Lien Clyde Stockey, Jr. | Big
Aaron Daniels | Big Nancy Lien Berndt | Match Maker Andrew Stoebner | Big
James Daniels Timothy Lien | Big David Stoecker-Strauss | Big
Anna Danila Valerie Lienke Jordan and Cameron Stoeger | Big
Jason Darst | Big Matthew Lilla Zora Stojmenovic | Free Arts Mentor
Peggy Dass Taylor Limberg | Big Michael and Elizabeth Stokfisz
Jennica Date Carson Limesand Nicholas Stolarz
Mayukh Datta | Big Todd Limesand Michael and Michelle Stork
Heidi Dauner | Big Berkeley Lin | Free Arts Mentor Kadi Storms | Big
Michael Dauner | Big Nancy and John Lindahl Steve Stoup
Jeff and Anne Davidman Mary Lindberg Angela Stout
Samuel Davidson | Big Jessica Lindeen Courtney Stout | Big
Gregory Davis | Big Kevin Lindenberg | Big Karena Stowman | Free Arts Mentor
Juanita Davis Lauren Linderman Madeline Strachota | Big
Mindy Davis | Big Mary Jane and Steve Lindholm Becky and Gabe Straub | Big
Monique Davis | Big Mary Jo and Dean Lindholm| Legacy Society Sean Streeter
Zander Davis | Free Arts Mentor Karen Lindquist William and Elizabeth Streit
Eric Davison | Big Matt Lindsay | Big Thomas D. Stringer
Megan Dawson | Big Elissa Lindwall | Big Nathan Strothmann
Edward Dayton Joe Linstroth | Big Nicholas Strub
David Dean Sam Lintereur Margaret Strugala | Big
Brian DeBace Chris and Sara Lippert Keri Strusz | Big
Darcy Debing Tristan and Lucy Lloyd Troy M. Stukenborg
Nicole Deery Matt and Christie Lockhart Cale Stuve
Thibault de Roos | Big Jack Lofgren | Big Julie Such
Matt DeBaker and Katie Yoder | Big Eric and Danielle Lohbeck Rachel Suchy | Big
Nathan Debner | Big Alexis Long | Big Donny Suhartono
Maren Decker | Big Amy Long | Free Arts Mentor Lisa Sukalski
Kevin Deering | Big Adam Loomis | Big Pamela Sukhum
Tony and Mary DeFrance | Big Glydel Lopez | Big Pat Sukhum and Sandra Ruiz | Legacy Society
Dustin DeFranco | Big Youna Lor Joseph Sullivan | Big
Mauela DeGroot Braiden Loreno Maggie Sullivan | Big
Scott and Sharon Deibert Jake Lorenz | Big Melisse Sullivan | Big
Drakirah Deichert | Big Luke Lorenz | Big Sarah Sullivan | Big
Jeff Deitch Thomas Lorenz | Big Taylor Sullivan | Big
David Delahanty Martin Loso | Big Harry and Susan Summitt
Matthew Delfs Brittney Lovdahl Brenda Sundby
Derrell and Carol Deming Anna and Matthew Lovely | Big Natalie Sunder | Big
Evelyn Demory | Big Erin Lowenthal | Free Arts Mentor Elizabeth Sundet | Big
Aiesha Dempster | Big Nick and Jessica Lower Kyle Sundmark
Anna Denslow | Big Ali Lozoff | Big Coleman Sundt
Nancy and Phil DeNucci Benjamin Lucius | Big Leslie Suzukamo
Marc and Jodi DePonty Emily Lucnik Amanda Swanner | Big
Maura DePrisco Julia Ludovici Brian Swanson | Big
Logan Derck Erik Lund Craig and Connie Swanson
Caleb Derosier | Big Susan T. Lund Dawn and LeRoy Swanson | Big
Mary Deschamp Trish Lundberg | Big Francine Swanson | Big
Mike Desino Amanda Lundgren Nathaniel Swanson | Big
John Desmond | Big Talitha Lundgren | Big Rebecca Swartz
Dana Deters | Big Jenna Lundquist | Big Henry Sweeney
Bill Detienne Carina Lundtvedt | Big Tim Sweeney
Matthew Detienne Lauren Lutgens | Big Mary and Alexander Sweet | Big
Eli Devins Chris Lutz Matt Swords
Linda Devroy Grace Lyden | Big Paul R. Sykora
Dawn Dexter Kyle Lyngstad Colleen Sylvester | Big
Siraaj Dhru | Big Katie Lynn Ness | Big Whitney Taha Frakes
Michael DiAngelis | Match Maker Alissa Lyon | Big | Match Maker Judith Takkunen
Doug and Kelly Dibble Jacob Maas | Big Magnolia Talbott | Free Arts Mentor
Michael Dibble Diana Maas | Big Suma Rani Talya Gurunath
Sadie Dietrich | Big Anna Maccormick Vincent Tanaka
Luke Dillon | Big Holly Maccormick Karen Tang | Free Arts Mentor
David and Margaret Dines Laurie and Todd Macgregor Sara Tasler
Cindi Dingmann Jim MacKay Denise Tataryn | Big
Abdul Dire Hayden Mackenzie Lang | Big Molly Tatting
Kaitlyn V. DiSalvo | Big Wm. Curt MacKenzie and Timm Caven| Legacy Society Bailey Taylor | Free Arts Mentor
Gracie Dixon | Big Christopher MacLeod | Big Kelsey Taylor | Big
Marci Dlutowski Blake Madril | Big Marika and Adam Taylor | Free Arts Mentor
Emily Dock Myra Madsen Marina Taylor | Big
Sue Doffing Timothy and Dianne Madsen McKenna Taylor | Big
Megan Doi | Big Alisa Madson | Big Sam Taylor
Meghan Dolan Linda Madson Sean Taylor | Big
Wendy Domeyer | Big Jyotsna Magani | Big Brad Teichroew
Luis Dominguez | Big Steve and Beth Magistad Elizabeth Templin | Big
David Donahoe | Big Ryan Mahabadi Katelyn Tessier | Big
Nathaniel Donovan | Big Shireen Mahabadi Steven Thai | Big
Elena Dooley and Hunter Weaver | Big Joseph Maher | Big Thomas Thao | Big
Hanna Dorn | Big Isabella Mahlik | Big Ma Thao Xiong | Big
Sarah Dorn | Big Erin Main | Big Dona Tharangi Madson | Big
GuangQin Dornon | Big Stephanie Maiwurm | Big Kolton Thedens | Big
Chris Doroschak | Big Morgan M. Maki | Big John Theis
Lori Dossett Tess Malaske Michael and Aleisha Theisen | Big
Ella Dostal | Big Deb Malmon Jerome and Bonnie Theisen
Sarah Dougherty | Big Danielle Malone | Big Scott E. Theisen
Jaime L. Douglas Miranda Malone | Big Anthony Thesing
Emily Dowdle Carol Maloney Jeff Theismann | Big
Madison Dowell | Big John Maloney | Big Victoria Thelen | Big
Molly Downey | Big Megha Manan | Big Cece Thill | Big
Renee Dozier | Big Miclaryn Mandery | Big Meng and Alicia Thoj | Big
Lily Drahn | Free Arts Mentor Kristin Mandeville Gabrielle Thom
Laurene Draper | Big Christine Mandravelis | Big Greg and Elizabeth Thom
Curtis Drake Hannah Maney Cristina and Scott Thomas | Big
Frank Drazkowski | Big Kelly Manke Gary C. Thomas | Big
Angela Dreis | Match Maker Michael Manning Joanne Thomas | Big
Janel Dressen Nirvana Manohar | Big Toya Thomas | Free Arts Mentor
Mark Dressen Dana Manteufel | Big Christopher and Judy Thommes
Heather and Charlie Drews Aaron Manse Joe Thommes
Jackson Drews Max Mantey | Big Hunter Thompson | Big
Kyle Dreyer Chelsea Marcott Jon P. Thompson | Big | Match Maker
Kristy and Dan Drollinger Miron and Anne Marcotte Marilyn Thompson
Kameron N. Dropps | Match Maker MicAnna Maresh | Big Matthew Thompson | Big
Dana Dudley Katherine Marfori | Big Michelle R. Thompson | Big
Emily Duesenberg | Free Arts Mentor Thomas Marhevka William Thompson
Krystalle Duffy | Big Kate Marie Jeffrey and Amy Tiedens | Big
Dhruv Duggal | Big Matthew F. Markham | Big Molly and Tony Tillman | Big
Kirk and Karen Duholm Dominic Marrese Tyler Tillotson
Gina and Joe Dumas | Big Colin W. Marsh | Big Louis and Linda Tilton
Austyn Dunham | Big Kenneth Marsh | Big John F. Timmer
Tara Dunn Deborah Marshall and John Oakes | Big Patrick B. Timmers | Big
Paul Durkee Humberto Martin | Big Connor Tingstad | Big
Leslie Dwight Meg Martin Ben Tischleder | Big
Andrew Dyrdahl Stacy Martin | Big Daniel Tix
Raymond Eby and Waverley Booth Stephen Martin | Big Shadia Tobkin | Big
Caitlin Eccles-Radtke John Martinez | Big Rodney and Judy Toft
Jonathan Ede | Big Michael Martinez | Big Shawn Tol | Big
Beth Edgar Madison Martini | Big Shelby Tolley | Big
Nick Edquist Tausha Martinson Bright | Big Alicia Toms | Big
Cassidy Edstrom Mario Martinucci | Big Ryan Topp | Big
Justin Edstrom Diana Martos | Big James and Vicky Torborg
Jeremy Edwards | Big Alison Marwitz | Free Arts Mentor JT Torgeson | Big
Zakiya Edwards | Big Robert Masen | Big Payton Torres | Free Arts Mentor
Paul M. Egeland Ali Mashadi | Big Melanie Torvinen
Luke Eggum | Big Karen Mateer Joseph Tourand | Big
Robert Ehren Kristin P. Mathson | Big Gina Towle | Big
John Eichten, Jr. | Big Lisa Matre Jane Traversy | Big
Peter and Jane Eichten Brendan Matson Bill Traxler | Big
Edward Eichstadt | Big Katie Mattis Sarver Brian Tregilgas | Big
Claire Eickholt | Big Ron Matz | Big Brian Tri
Pat and Peg Eiden Kristina Mauersberger and Timothy Anderson Rachel Trice | Big
Aaron Eisenberg | Big Rebecca Maus | Big Duan Trinh
Debra Ann Ekberg Susan T. Mayerle Shane Trisco | Big
Jason Elles | Big Kelly Maxwell | Big Marcus Trucco | Big
Samantha Ellingson Bethany May | Big David Trudeau | Big
Mark Elliot | Big Will Mayer | Big Benjamin Trumble | Big
Brenna Ellis Morgan McAdams | Big Kimberly Tucker | Big
Tina Emerfoll | Match Maker Elizabeth H. McCambridge Taylor Tuomie | Big
Desiree Endres | Big Kirk McCamish | Big Rhonda Turcotte
David and Ann Endy Shawn McCarthy | Big Annika Tureson | Big
Melissa Engbrecht Patrick T. McCarty | Big Joe Twaddle | Big
Tyler Engbrecht | Big Andrew and Anna McChain | Big Christian and Karin Twigg
Eileen Engebretson Katy McClure | Big Bryan Tyus | Big
Timothy and Elizabeth Engeldinger Robert L. McCollum Nancy and Steven Ullrich
Jason and Danielle Engelhart | Big Andrew McConkie Marilyn Underhill
Brienna Engels Ryan Mccormick | Big Erica Unger | Big
Stephanie Englund Justin McCoy Stacy and Lee Unowsky
Kristine Engman Ashley McCray | Big Richmond Uong | Free Arts Mentor
Jon and Michelle Engstrand Barbara M. McDermott Elliot Upin | Big
Andrew Engstrom | Big Patrick McDonald | Big Sarika Uppaluri | Free Arts Mentor
Maximilian Epsky Amarah McDonough | Big Emma Vacanti | Big
Mike Epsky Andrew McDonough Steven Vakulskas | Big
Karen Erdall Kelly McDonough | Big Brenda Vale
Janelle Erickson | Big McKinzie McDowell | Big Brenda Valente
Mitchel Erickson | Big Mike McFarland Carissa Valeri | Big
Nate and Jessica Erickson | Big Jennifer and Kevin Mcfarlane Lauren Valerio
Scott Erickson | Big Jamie McGeathy Andrew Valerius | Big
Steven Erickson Kevin McGillis | Big Alex Van Abbema | Big
Abigail Ernst | Big Amy and Dan McGinnis Melissa Van Brocklin | Big
Roger Erny Kevin McGinnis | Big Derek Van Calligan
Jody Eskro | Free Arts Mentor Logan McGrorty | Big Emma Van Fossen | Big
Stephen and Megan Eskro | Big Laura McGuigan | Big Renee Van Gorp and Julie Kelly
Theresa and Scott Eskro Anne M. McInerney Rebecca Van Handel | Big
Charles Essig and Julie Zamora Nicole McKay Andrew Van Heest | Big
Michael Ethen | Big Matt McKeag | Big Laura Van Hofwegen
Kendra Eull | Big Matt McKee | Big Marie and Brian Van Kleek
Olivia Evers | Big Brooke McKelvogue | Big Travis Van Krevelen | Big
Annie Eversman | Big J.V. McKenna and Laurie Hanscom Mark Vanden Heuvel and Pearl Schuft | Big
Fran Everson | Big John McKenna Alison Vandercook | Big
Rebecca Ewing Rachel McKennon | Big Peter VanDusartz IV | Big
Amma Ewuakye | Big Leah McKeon | Big Jonathan Vang | Big
Michael Fabel | Big Arnold McKesson | Big Kimberly VanHeusden | Big
Leah Faiad | Big Lindsay McKinley | Big Emily Varner | Big
Abbie Falkum | Big Brandon L. McKinney Caitlin Varpness | Big
Danielle Falstad | Big Holly McKissick | Big Aaron Vaudt
Philip Fanjul | Big Amanda McKnuckles | Match Maker Troy Vaughn | Big
Ibrahim Farah | Big Charlene McLauchlan and Margaret Warner Mikayla Vavreck-Sindt | Free Arts Mentor
Mohamed Farah | Big Gary McLean Feyth Vega | Big
Mohammed Farah | Big Melissa McLean | Free Arts Mentor Jorge Vega | Big
Ethan Farina Lauren McLeete | Big Mandi Velgersdyk
Marcel and Kathleen Farina Caroline McMahon Lakshmi Venkareswara R. Somala | Big
Joel Farmer Dylan McMahon | Big Shannon Vento
Jayleen Farver | Big Allyson McManus | Big Scott Verley | Big
Dan Fasching John McManus Maria Verven | Big
Rusty Faschingbauer | Big Catherine A. McMillin Brian Veurink | Big
Bryan Fate | Big Barbara J. McMorris Kristin Vickstrom | Big
Travis Fauchald | Big Patrick McNabb | Big Elisa Vicuna | Big
Gretchen and Vaughn Faul Rebecca McNally Joan Vilter
Jason Faul | Big | Match Maker Thomas McNamara | Big Anja Vinje | Free Arts Mentor
Cindy Faust | Big Jackson McNeil Nancy Vo | Big
Allen Faustina | Big Jason McNellis Jack Voeller | Big
Alex Faustini | Big Megan McNinch | Free Arts Mentor Stephanie Vogelbacher
Sky and Kerry Fauver Teresa J. McPherson | Big Alex Voigt
Cindy Fedde Lawrence McTigue | Big Jennifer Volkenant | Big
Travis and Molly Fedor Tanya Mears Hall and Rich Hall Constantin Voll | Big
John Fee | Big McKenna Mechtel | Free Arts Mentor Rodney and Mary Kay Von De Linde
Michelle Feih Adam Meert | Big Alex Vondrum | Big
Jason Feipel Katie Meier | Big Sonali Vora
Cullen Feist | Big Macy Meilahn-Kinard | Big Susan Wade | Big
David Feldshon | Big Nicole Mejia Barrera | Big Ron and Katherine Wagar
Jaclyn Felicijan | Big Brian Melendez Brandon Wagner
Linda Fenner | Big Mikell Melius | Big Jake Wagner | Big
Angela Fern | Big Caitlin Mensing | Big Sara Wagner | Big
Andrew Ferry Duke Merickel | Big Tyler Wagner | Big
Jeff Fetters Laura Merickel Chris Wahlin
Evan Fick | Big Florian Merkle | Big Jake Wahlin | Big
Hannah Field | Big Cody Meschke | Big Andrew Wahlstrom
Jolynn Fielder and Louise Bergsma Cory Messner Elizabeth Walber | Big
Keaton Fierro | Big Lisa Metwaly | Big Ella Wald | Free Arts Mentor
Joseph Findell Andrew Metz | Big Bradley Waldman | Big
Allison Fischer | Big Tom and Kelsey Metzger | Big Joe Waldvogel | Big
Greta Fischer | Big Eric Mevissen | Big | Match Maker Grant Walker | Big
Thomas Fischer | Big Scott and Cindy Mevissen Jill Walker
Jennifer Fisher | Big Christine Meyer Jake Wall
Amy and Miles Fiterman Craig Meyer Rob Wallant | Big
Mike and Linda Fiterman Greg Meyer | Big Jocelyn Walsh | Big
Pamela Fitzgerald | Big Megan Meyer Paul Walsh | Big
Melissa Fitzgibbons Zac Meyer Mitch and Jackie Walter
Henry Fitzsimmons | Big Brenda Meyers Derek and Patrick Walters
Wyatt Fitzsimmons | Big Sara Michael | Free Arts Mentor Margaret Walters | Big
Greg Flanagan Robert and Mary Michels Stephen Waltz | Big
Connor Flanigan | Big John Michniak | Big Peggy and Robert Wander | Big
Xavier Flatt Gene Michtchenko | Big David E. Wandling | Big
Devon Fleck Isabel Miera Shuo Wang
Lynettte Fleck Nick Mies Mara Wangen | Big
Jason Flinn Kaitlin Miesen | Big Fletcher Wanless
Barbara and Jim Flitsch Layton Mikkalson | Big Katelyn Warburton | Big
Deveney Flood | Big Amy L. Miller Bryce Ward
Katie Flood | Big Annik Miller Andrea Warfield | Free Arts Mentor
John Flottmeier Courtland Miller | Big Kyle Wargolet | Big
Gerald Flynn Katie Miller | Big Gwen Warling | Big
Hawa Fofana | Free Arts Mentor Kristin Miller | Big Shelly Warzecha
Khadijah Fofana | Free Arts Mentor Laura Miller David and Michelle Waters
Terri Fogarty | Big Macy Miller | Big Aleesha and Kevin Webb
Kelly Fogarty | Big Meredith Miller | Big Krista Webb | Big
Jay C. Fogelberg Tariq Miller | Big Jacob Weber | Big
Sara Fohrenkamm | Big Tony and Tasha Miller | Big Katherine Weber
Luke Follmer | Big Robert C. Millhollin Robert and Ann Weber | Big
Alex Fons | Big Benjamin and Carol Minger Kelley Wedeking | Big
Eric T. Forbes Lanesha Minnix Ben Wehling | Big
Meagan Forbes | Big Maria Mishek | Big Wendy Wehr
Shakenna Forbes | Big Maddie Mithun Emily and Robb Weidemann
Christopher Ford Geri Mittleider Jill M. Weihrauch
Kaitlyn Ford | Big Edward and Pathamas Mittman Victoria Weimholt | Big
Tracy Ford Kimberly A. Moehring | Big James W. Weinzetl
Jay Fordham | Big William Moening | Big Whitney Weisser | Big
Kathleen Fore Angela and Dave Moeri Tom and Rita Welch
Brittany Fornengo | Big Brandon Moeri Kristen Weller | Big | Match Maker
Reece Forrester | Big Kevin Moeschl | Big Jennifer Wells
Larry and Toni Forsland Carl Mohrlant Natalie Welshons | Big
Ellen Forst Emma Molden | Big Snezana and Timothy Wensits
Scott and Kaitlyn Forster Matthew Monaghan Michael R. West
Eric Fortin | Big Laura Monahan-Rial | Big Kris Westberg and Bill Idzorek
John and Madeline Foss Michael Mondor | Big Makoto Westby | Big
Maddy Foss | Big Cherie Monson Grace Westpfahl | Free Arts Mentor
Troy Foss | Big Andrew Montain | Big Thomas and Ardis Wexler
Ashleigh Fossey Christine Montville | Big Barry and Stephanie Whalen | Big
Amber Fowble Nick Moonen Phillip Wharton
Abby Fox and Fiona Adams | Big Cullen Moore | Free Arts Mentor Brook White | Big
Allyson Fox | Big Kryzma Moore | Big Jordan White | Big
Amy Fox Leah Moore | Free Arts Mentor Anne Whitehouse
Christopher Fox | Big Michael L. Moore Jordan Whitewater | Big
Jack Fox Tamara Moore | Big Molly Whitley | Big
Nancy Fox Whitney Moore | Big Morgan Whitney | Big
Katie Foy | Big Carla Moos and Pam Kadrlik Amelious Whyte
Bryan Frandrup Brianna Mooty Alyssa Wichman | Big
Kathryn Frankosky Stacy J. Moran | Big Emily Wick | Big | Match Maker
Charlie Frattalone Maria Moran Flores | Big Amy Wicker | Big
Jessica and David Frattalone Madison Morehouse Brenda Wicker | Big
Holly Frazier Max Moreland | Big | Match Maker Ryan Wickes
Becky Frederick Abby Morgan | Big Matt Wieland | Big
Ethan Fredrick | Big Jason Morrall | Big Scott W. Wieland | Big
Jason Fredrick Elizabeth Morris | Big Claudia J. Wielgorecki
Chad Freeman Elizabeth M. I. Morrissey | Big Patricia L. Wiemann
Maggie Freeman | Big Diana Morton | Big Merryn Wier | Free Arts Mentor
Nicole Freeman | Big Amber Moseman | Free Arts Mentor Alex Wiese
Maria Freking | Big Lori Moser Nancy Wilder
Allison French | Big Alan and Danielle Moskowitz Mark Wilfert
Douglas J. Frey | Big Zoe Moskowitz | Big Matt Wilkening | Big
Christine Friberg | Big Grant Mosser | Big John Wilkin | Big
JZ Friederichs | Big Samantha Moulton | Big Caity Will | Free Arts Mentor
Austin Fries Lauren Mounts | Big Chelsie Willett | Big
Connie Fritz Mackenzie R. Moy | Big Adam Williams | Big
Victoria Fritz | Big Ryan Moynagh | Big Brit Williams
Derek Fritze | Big Laura Moynihan Doug Williams | Big
Andy and Susan Frommelt Kristin Mroz Risse | Big Gemma Williams | Big
Mark Frommelt Jim Muehlbauer and Beth Heinz James E. Williams
Logan Frost | Big Eric Mueller | Big Jemmel Williams
Alicia Frye | Big Gretchen Mueller | Big Joe Williams
Teresa Fudenberg and Doug Jackson Sumi Mukherjee | Big Laquita Williams | Free Arts Mentor
Russell Fujisawa | Big Joanne and Brian Mullen Lindsay and Vignesh Williams Palaniappan | Match Maker
Kelley and Mike Fulkerson Gary L. Mullen-Schultz | Big Samantha Williams
Doug and Nancy Fuller Sarah Mulligan Savannah Williams | Big
Marit Fuller | Big Jeanette Mulloy Bill Williamson
Julie Funk Ruth and Delwin Mund | Big Lisa Willis | Big
Oliver Funsten | Big Daniel Munoz | Big Karen Willyard
Norman M. Gabrick Molly Munro | Big Casie Wilm
Brian Gabriel Michael Munson | Big Kyle Wilman | Big
Alec Gaffney Monica D. Munson Katherine Wilmes
Andrea Gagnon | Big Olivia Murch | Big Jeffrey Wilson
Maria Gagnon | Big Madeline Murdock | Big Lisa Wilson
Holly Galbraith | Big Charlie Murphy | Big Moira Wilson | Big
Michael and Alison Galdys Daniel Murphy | Big Sarah Wilson
Madison Gallagher | Big Jacob Murphy | Big Rachel Wilson-Stucke and Sean Stucke
Isabelle Gallet | Big Kristen Murphy Natalie Wimmer | Big
Nancy Galligan | Big David D. Murr | Big David and Lori Windschitl
Kathryn Gallo | Big Rachel Murray | Big Donna C. Windsor Trust
James and Kathryn Ganley Anna Murrow | Big Marci Winga Fabrega
Benjamin Gansen Hamdija Mustafic | Big Stacy Winjum | Big
Tove Garber | Big Walter Muyres Mark Winkelhake | Match Maker
Maiya Garcia | Free Arts Mentor Brittney Muzik | Big Jill Winslow
Debra Gardner | Big Anna Gloria Mwamasika | Big Nicole Winzenread | Big
Natalie Garfield | Big BJ Myers Milton Wist | Big
Patricia Garland | Big Brad Myers Paul Witt
Emily Garrett | Big Buzz Myers Tyler Witt | Big
Linda Garrett Christopher Myers Abe Wofse
Brian Garrido | Big Gregory Myers and Mary Divine Myers Eric Wojchik | Big
Ellen Garrity | Big Mitchell and Brooke Myers | Big Ashley Wolf | Big
Alex L. Garske Randi Myhre Charlotte Wolf
Kevin Gaskins, Sr. | Big Lisa Naas Faleris Jessica Wolf | Big
Norman Gaskins Mikal E. Nabors | Big Nelson Wolf | Big
Salvatore Gati | Big Scott and Jill Nadeau Steven Wolf | Big
Shwetabh Gautam Alison Nash-Gerlach | Big Katrina Wolfe
Anne Gavin | Big Makayla Natrop | Free Arts Mentor Molly Wolfe | Big
Rick Gebhardt Chandler Nauman Chantelle Wolff | Big
Abel Gebremisat | Big Nicholas Nazarian | Big Christopher Wolff | Big
Quinten A. Geddes | Big Martha Negash | Big Ryan and Kathy Wolff
John and Lee Gehan Amanda K. Neisen | Big James Wolfin | Big
Annaliese Gehres and Susannah Dolance | Big | Match Maker Andre Nelson | Free Arts Mentor Kelley Wollak
Brandon Geiger | Big Becky Nelson | Big Jacquelyn Woller | Free Arts Mentor
Alan Geiwitz and Mary McMahon Blaine Nelson Michael Wolter
Jeffrey Gelski Brian Nelson | Big Brenna and Jeff Wood
Deanna Gennett | Big Dan Nelson | Big Ryan Wood | Big
Gracie George Doreen L. Nelson | Big Tabitha Wood | Big
Vanessa George J. Thomas and Janet Rajala Nelson Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation John Woodburn
Andrew Georges | Big Jakob Nelson | Big Dan and Gail Woodbury
Anna Geraets | Big Kristen Nelson | Big Isabel Woodward
Jason P. Gerard Nicole Nelson | Big Michael Woolsey
Ross Gerber | Big Peyton Nelson | Free Arts Mentor Jason Worden | Big
Becky Gerboth Danaher Walter Nelson Bret Worley
Daniel Gerl | Big Jacob Nemec | Big Darcy Worley
Andrew Germain | Big Nancy and Nate Nerland Theresa Worthington | Big
Meghan Germick | Big Alyssa Ness | Big Pam Wostrel
Lisa Gerold | Big Max Nesterak | Big Joseph Wriedt | Big
Charles Gerten | Big Robert Nesvig | Big Eliza Wright | Big
Katrina Geske | Big Vivek Nevile | Big Chris Wulf
Kindra Ghostley Meredith Ney Emylee Wulf | Big
Linda Gibbons Linda N. Nezerwe | Big Cathy and Gary Wurzer
Donna Gies and Richard Hamer Sophia Ngep | Big Patrick and Jill Wyant
Mary Gifford | Big Kevin Nguyen | Big Sharon R. Wynn
Luke Gilpin Lisa Nguyen | Big Andy Xiong | Big
Jason Giltner | Big Lexi Niccum | Big Mary Lynn Yakel
Grant Gingrich | Big Kallie Nichols | Big Caroline Yang
Dave and Sunny Girk Melinda C. Nickerson | Big Joshua Yang
Lora Gitzen Crystal Nickles | Big Keleenah Yang | Big
Steven Gitzen Brad and Sarah Niehorster Kou Yang | Big
Ruzana and Mathew Glaeser Suez Nields | Big Pang Yang | Big
Racheal Glancy | Big Elizabeth Nientimp Julia Yngsdal | Big
Daniel Glass | Free Arts Mentor Alec Nigh | Big Alyssa Yorek
Kerry and Ken Gleason Grant Niver | Big Jeff and Janet Young
Steven Gleason | Big Haley Nixon | Big Lindsey Young
Rhonda Gnetz Lease | Big Hope Nixon | Free Arts Mentor Josh Youngs | Big
Hank and Jamie Glover | Big Lindsay Noll | Big Michael Yu | Big
Michael Goar and Bethany Wood | Big Mikayla Nordin | Big Frank J. Zabel
Sarah Goblirsch Lisa Nordland | Big Lisa Zagar | Big
Adam Godes | Big Edward Nordling | Big Marnie Zak | Big
Jonathan Godsall Cory Nordmeyer Julie Zamora
Shay Godse | Big Rahul Nori | Big Joseph Zedan | Big
Katie Goedecke and Jackson Schneider | Big Riley Norman | Big Stephen Zekpa | Big
Renata Goepfrich Aaron Northway | Big Timothy A. Zensen
Noelle Goetz | Big Ann E. Novitske Clarissa Zibart | Big
Kitty and Mark Gogins Billie Novotny | Big Jacob Zikmund | Big
Linda Gold | Big Tammi Nowicki | Big Joseph A. Zikmund | Big
Matthew Goldberg | Big Marisa Noyes | Big Heather Zierhut
Nathan Goldman Ana Nugent Elizabeth Zimmer
Isaac Golen | Big Courtney Nuness Barbara A. Zitur
Hannah Gomes | Big Louise Nyre David Zitur, Jr. | Big
John Goncalves | Big John Oakes and Deborah Marshall | Big Zachary Z. Zoul II | Big
Erin Gonzalez | Big Sara Oakland Erin Zunich | Big
Diamond Goodman | Big Tyler Oakland Lauren Zurek | Big
Stephanie M. Goodno | Big Aaron Oas Rhonda L. Zurn
Trevor Goodwin | Big David and Linda Obee Annie Zutz | Big
Jill Gordon Karl Obermeyer | Big Beatrice Zvosec | Big
Renee Gordon Nunn Jonah O’Bert | Free Arts Mentor John Zwier | Big

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